Truth be told, I’m torn about today’s entry. I want to share with you one of the most amazing thinkers on the topic of poetry in our age, but part of me wants to keep her for myself. I’ve always been a little selfish; a scene that comes to mind regarding my greedy appetite involves a bag of Old Dutch potato chips in my eight-year-old hands. At the sight of another kid (a friend) approaching me, I gobbled down the last ones at the bottom of the bag. I’m still engaged in outgrowing that horrible habit and do whatever I can to counter it. So here’s a link I’ll share to an interview with Susan Stewart. I’ve been devouring her Poetry and the Fate of the Senses this past week and this interview animates the voice from the pages of a remarkably thorough study which combines linguistics, philosophy and a number of amazing poets. In fact, Susan Stewart has a lot to say about voice, the senses, poetry and how she writes with the “goal to get people to read more slowly… to slow the culture down and be a stay against this incredible imperative towards speed we have.” Yes, its advice I need and I hope it inspires you as well.