Just found out a couple days ago that I’ve got the job of teaching an AMS minischool night class at UBC in, you guessed it, creative writing! It starts the first Wednesday of February. Below you’ll find a breakdown of the six-week class. If you’re interested you can register at the AMS website.
WEEK ONE: the 5 Ws of writing
who to write for – audience of one (yourself) or friends, family or strangers
why to write – to create literature, clarify your life, make money, etc
what to write -forms: journal writing/blogs, poetry, theater/screenwriting, fiction and creative non-fiction
when to write -setting up routines
where to send your writing – the market and business of writing
On our first class we will go over the rules of workshopping a piece of writing. I’ll have a sample short story that we’ll read and then workshop.
Weeks two to six, I will present five to ten minute mini-lessons on journal writing/blogs, poetry, theater/screenwriting, fiction and creative non-fiction…
WEEK TWO: Since feeling is first
journal writing/blogs – getting into “the zone”, finding the headspace to write, writing out of raw emotions, feelings and thoughts in journals/blogs, “since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you” – e.e.cummings
WEEK THREE: How does this sound?
onomatopoeia in poetry and prose – how sound makes or adds to meaning
WEEK FOUR: settings
focusing on creating memorable pictures in a readers minds
WEEK FIVE: setting narrative into action
raising the stakes on stage and screen – finding ways to imbue writing with action and movement
WEEK SIX: narrative in person life
an exploration of the varieties of creative non-fiction